Servings: 8 Servings
230 g  (8 oz) 4 loosely packed
Cups, fresh wholemal
230 g  (8 oz, 2 cups) EACH of
Roughly chopped muscatel
(black) raisins,
Sultanas (yellow raisins)
And dried apricots
60 g  (2 oz, 3/4 cup) crumbled
Almond macaroons or
60 g  (2 oz, 3/4 cup) chopped
60 g  (2 oz, 1/2 cup) ground or
Flaked almonds
1    Grated appple
1 tb Grated orange zest
1 ts Ground cinnamon
1 ts Ground mace
1/2 ts Ground cardamom; I had none,
So used cumin, which worked
As well!
1/2 ts Ground cloves; I used whole,
And put them in the food
With the bread!  Again, it
1/2 ts Ground allspice
2 tb Orange marmalade or candied
Orange peel
Juice of 1 orange
4 md Free-range eggs
6 tb Or 1 miniature bottle of
140 ml 5 fl oz, scant 2/3 cup,
Fortified muscat wine, port,
Or rich oloroso sherry

Put all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly. Put the
marmalade, orange juice, eggs, brandy and wine in another large bowl, or in
the blender or food processor, and beat until well blended and frothy. Pour
the liquid over the dry ingredients. Mix until moist. Cover, and let sand
for a couple of hours at least and, if possible, overnight to let the spice
flavours develop.

Oil or butter the pudding basin and spoon in the mixture. As it contains no
raw flour, it will not expand very much during the cooking, so you can fill
the basin to within 1.25 cm (1/2 inch) of the rim. Take a square of
greaseproof or waxed paper, oil or butter it (I didnt bother, but did oil
the basins. I dont have a 3-pint one, so used 1 2-pint and 1 1-pint one,
2 pints being ample for my family for Christmas dinner) and tie it over the
top of the basin with string.

Steam in boiling water for 5 hours. Allow pudding to cool completely
before wrapping it, still in its basin, in fresh greaseproof paper plus a
layer of foil. Store in a cool dark place.

On Christmas Day, steam for a further two hours.

Bissell/Levy suggest serving this with creme fraiche, rather than the
traditional brandy butter (dont ask – not to be discussed on THIS mailing
list!!!), and I do think this is one occasion when a LITTLE cream is


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