Servings: 4 Servings
1/2 lb Bacalhau (dry weight)
1/2 lb Onions
1/2 lb Carrots
1 tb Olive oil
5 tb Butter
1 tb Fresh lard, minced
3 oz Fresh bread, crumbled
-without the crust
2 pt Milk
8    Egg yolks
Salt and pepper
Grated cheese*
Bread crumbs

* Any cheese that gratinates well.
Mince the soaked, boneless, skinless, cod fish, the
peeled onions and the cleaned carrots. Place the
vegetables in a skillet with the olive oil, a
tablespoon butter and the minced lard. Wait until the
onion is soft but not brown, quickly add the minced
cod fish, mix with the contents of the skillet and
remove from the range. Add the fresh bread crumbs
soaked in milk but squeezed. Mix everything and set
aside. Prepare a bechamel sauce with 2 cups of milk, 2
tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of butter,
season with salt and pepper and add 4 of the yolks.
Mix the above very well with the cod mixture, place
everything in a tray that can be taken to the oven.
Prepare another bechamel-style sauce as above with the
remaining ingredients, except for the grated cheese
and dry bread crumbs. Cover the contents of the tray
with this sauce, sprinkle with equal parts of grated
cheese and dry bread crumbs, and distribute some
butter nuggets. Bake in a moderate oven (350§) for
20/25 minutes.


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