Servings: 4 Servings
3 lb Coarse ground chili meat
1 tb Onion salt
2 tb Garlic powder
3 tb Chili powder
2 tb Ground Cumin
3 tb Tabasco sauce
15 oz Can Tomato Sauce
15 oz Water
15 oz Can Whole Tomatoes, drained
1/2 tb Cornstarch

Brown chili meat, then pour off fat/grease. Run hot water over meat to
remove additional grease. (Using a strainer or seive helps)

Add remaining ingredients. Bring to boil, stirring. Reduce heat and simmer
1 1/2 hours covered. If whole tomatoes were added, chop as they cook. Add
the cornstarch during the last 1/2 hour to thicken the liquid if needed.

Serve with saltine crackers.

Enjoy! – Jeff Duke


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