Servings: 18 Servings
2 tb Split peas, dried
2 tb Cracked wheat
1/4 c  Dehydrated vegetable flakes
;(soup greens)
2 ts Sesame seeds
2 ts Sunflower seeds
1 ts Nutritional yeast
1/2 ts Salt

Grind split peas, cracked wheat, vegetable flakes and seeds in blender
until they are a fine powder. Combine ground mixture with yeast and salt.
Store in a covered container at room temperature. To use, add 1 heaping
teaspoon soup mix to 6 ounces of boiling water, or 2 level teaspoons to 1
cup boiling water. Stir, let sit a few minutes, and serve. Makes 3/4 Cup
dried soup mix – enough for 18 cups of soup. Note: this is one of those
times when a blender seems to do a much more efficient job than the food
processor. Note 2: Those who enjoy an instant cup of broth but are dismayed
by the use of flavor enhancers and the abundance of salt in commercial
brands may welcome the chance to make their own soup mix.


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