Servings: 12 Servings
12    Pears
1 lb Honey
1    Lemon, juice
20 fl Water (plus)

Preheat oven to 325 F (160 C).
Peel halve and core the pears, keeping them in water
which you have acidulated with half the lemon juice.
Dissolve the honey in the water, add the other half of
the lemon juice and bring to the boil. Transfer to an
oven proof dish or pan large enough to keep the pear
halves in one layer.

Add the drained pear halves and bring back to the
boil. Immediately transfer the dish to the oven and
poach until the pears are really tender. Remove with
slotted spoon, boil down cooking liquor to a syrup and
pour over the pears. Leave to cool then chill. Serve
with the thickest cream you can find.


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