Servings: 8 Servings
6 oz Chocolate,
1/4 c  Coffee liqueur
1 tb Instant coffee,dry
1/2 c  Brown sugar
1 c  Corn syrup
3    Eggs, beaten
1/4 c  Butter, melted
2 ts Vanilla
1/4 ts Salt
1 c  Pecans
-coarsly chopped
1    9pie-shell
1 c  Pecan halves

Directions: In heatproof bowl set over simmering water, melt chocolate with
coffee liqueur and instant coffee granules. Stir until smooth. Remove from
heat; stir in brown sugar until dissolved. Stir in corn syrup, eggs,
butter, vanilla, salt and chopped pecans. Pour filling into pie
shell;arrange pecan halves decoratively on top . Bake at 350F for 45-50
minutes, or until edges feel set but centre still jiggles slightly. Let
cool on wire rack before serving. Calories: you dont want to know.


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