Servings: 36 Servings
2 c  Milk
1/2 c  Sugar
1    Egg; beaten
1/2 c  Butter
1 ts Salt
2 tb Yeast, dry
6 c  Flour
3 c  Filling

1/2 lb Apricots, dried
1/3 c Sugar
1/4 ts Lemon juice
1 1/2 tb Butter

Dough: In a large suacepan, scald milk and add sugar, egg, butter, and
salt. Cool mixture to 115-120 F. In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm
milk mixture. Add flour gradually and knead to a very soft dough. Cover and
let rise until doubled in size–about one hour. Shape dough into balls
about 2″ in diameter. Place on greased baking sheets 2″ apart. Cover and
let rise again until doubled–about 30 to 45 minutes. When they have risen,
make an indention in the center of each roll. Fill each with desired
filling and bake at 350 F. for 20 to 25 minutes.

Filling: In a large saucepan, cover apricots with water and cook until
plump and tender (about 20 minutes). Drain and place in a blender or food
processor and puree. In a saucepan, combine puree with sugar, lemon juice,
and butter. Cook over medium heat until butter has melted.


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