Servings: 6 Servings
2    Bottles Regular Soy Sauce *
3    Bottles Water
4 md Onions, chopped
6    Bay Leaves
2 ts Laos **
1/2    Bag Demerara Sugar

*I use 17 oz. bottles of China Lily (a Canadian Brand) **Laos is also
called Galingal and can be found at Asian food/spice stores.


Put all ingredients in a large pot and cook on medium till onions are limp.
Add sugar and bring to a boil to disolve sugar. Strain and pour into
bottles. I keep it in the fridge but I dont know if you have to.

Its a very sweet Soy Sauce that may take a little getting used to but you
will probably find that you can use it for things and not worry about a
“salty” taste.


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