Servings: 4 Servings
1 kg Ripe tomatoes
100 g  Chopped onions
125 g  Chopped young carrots
Bouquet garni
1 l  Stock
Salt, pepper
300 ml Cream
Chopped chives or basil

Simmer the vegetables and bouquet with 3/4 of the
stock until they are tender. Remove the bouquet garni
and pur‚e the soup in the blender or sieve until it is
very smooth. Taste, add seasoning and remaining stock.
If it is to be served cold, stir in the cream and
chill. If it is to be served hot, bring the cream to
the boil in a clean pan and add the soup gradually. In
both cases serve sprinkled with chives or better,
chopped basil. If you like a spicy flavour, add nutmeg
to the soup as it cooks and sprinkle a little on top
when it is served.

Modifications for sterilising

Do not season. Blend the soup, then sieve. Pour into
1l strilising jars, and seal and sterilise in the
usual way. When reheating, season then bring 200ml
cream to the boil and pour in the boiling soup
gradually. You may have to reblend to cure possible


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