Servings: 8 Servings
3    Carrots
2    Turnips
1/2 lb Green beans
2 lb Tomatoes
1    Celery heart
1 qt Chicken broth
1/4 lb Chinese pea pods
1/2 lb Mache
2    Shallots; finely chopped
2 tb Chopped parsley
1/4 c  Oil
Salt, pepper
1 oz Fresh truffles; julienned

Peel and clean carrots and turnips, trim green beans and peel tomatoes.
Place prepared vegetables in water to cover with few dashes of vinegar. Cut
carrots, turnips, celery and tomatoes in julienne strips, about 2 inches in
length. Heat chicken broth along with 1 tablespoon butter. Cook cut
vegetables separately in broth, simmering 1 to 4 minutes until they are
tender but firm, depending on their type and size. Cook green beans and
peas in boiling salted water until tender but crisp. Plunge in ice water to
prevent cooking further, then drain. Decorate large platter with mache and
radicchio. Make arrangement of vegetables on lettuces. Combine shallots,
parsley, 6 tablespoons vinegar and oil in bowl. Season to taste with salt
and pepper. Sprinkle vinaigrette over vegetables and garnish with truffles.


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