Servings: 4 Servings
4    -(up to)
6    Fresh oranges
1 c  Orange sherbet
1 c  Orange yogurt
1/4 c  Fresh orange juice
1/4 c  Orange liqueur
1 ts Grated orange rind

2 Egg whites
1/4 ts Cream of tartar
3 tb Sugar
1/4 ts Vanilla

Select heavy skinned oranges; cut out a circular section from top of each.
Scoop out pulp; squeeze and strain, reserving juice to use in next step.
Combine sherbet, yogurt, orange juice, orange liqueur and orange rind; mix
well. Spoon into orange shell; place immediately in the freezer. Make
meringue; spoon over the top of each orange covering the edges well.

Preheat broiler to 500 degrees; place oranges under the broiler just long
enough to brown lightly — not more than 2 or 3 minutes as sherbet will
melt. Serve on dessert dishes garnished with glossy lemon leaves. Serves 4
to 6.

To make meringue: Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until stiff,
gradually adding sugar and vanilla.


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